UX Design
Service Design
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Me with a Disabled Sibling

An informative service that helps non-disabled siblings to center their lives


7 Months (2022)

Scope of work

Research, UX/ UI Design


Adobe Creative Suite, Figma, Microsoft Office


1 Manager, 2 Designers

Working with Seoul Metropolitan Library, an organization affiliated with the Seoul Metropolitan Government, we built an information service page for non-disabled siblings, 「Me with a Disabled Sibling」 A non-disabled sibling is a person who has a sibling with a disability.

Visit the Website ↗

In order to create a service that can actively provide the information users need, a consultative body consisting of library administrators, service design experts, non-disabled siblings, and information researchers was formed to conduct continuous workshops and meetings.

My Contribution

The primary objective of this service was to develop a highly tailored user-centered platform catering to individuals who have disabled siblings. To achieve this, our project extensively focused on understanding the users and their unique challenges and requirements. We dedicated significant time to both secondary and primary research methods. Our approach included desk research, workshops, focused group interviews, in-depth interviews, and surveys.

By meticulously analyzing the data gathered from these research efforts, we gained valuable insights that formed the foundation of the frameworks and user-friendly UX/UI designs for the web page.

Project Brief
「I have a sibling with a disability」 aims to connect non-disabled siblings with information that can directly or indirectly help them with various situations or concerns that non-disabled siblings may experience depending on their life cycle .

To solve the problems of citizens’ lives, the Seoul Metropolitan Library wanted to create an information platform. After reviewing various subjects, we have identified 'non-disabled siblings with siblings with disabilities' who are in the blind spot of existing services or policies and have clear needs for information such as daily life information and disability-related information that are difficult to obtain on their own due to the limitations of caregivers.


We proposed a design-centric service model prioritizing users and analyzing needs of external customers, internal customers, and stakeholders. From this analysis, we derive core values for solutions, aiming to enhance accessibility to vast existing library information and develop strategies for generating necessary information.

Design Process


We conducted comprehensive research methods to develop a holistic understanding of different life stages, that enabling us to make informed decisions and tailor support services accordingly.

A) Desk Research and Pre-Interview:

Collecting information and experiences during childhood, adolescence, and young to middle adulthood periods.

B) In-Depth Interviews: Unraveling the Perspectives of Seniors

To comprehensively grasp the perspectives of the senior age group, we will conduct in-depth interviews with individuals in this life stage.

Their biggest issues can be represented by four factors:

C) Survey: Mapping Information Needs across Different Life Stages

Our survey aims to identify and map the specific information needs that individuals require at different points in their lives. By gathering responses from diverse age groups, we will gain invaluable insights into the changing information needs throughout the various stages of life.

Research Synthesis

We meticulously gathered a comprehensive dataset comprising over 400 unique situations in the research phase. Employing the affinity diagram technique, we efficiently organized this data into distinct clusters based on key themes. And then, we structured these clusters in alignment with the potential users' life cycle. Extracting pertinent keywords from this organization, we formulated precise design principles to guide our future design endeavors.

Affinity Diagram


1. Challenges and Responsibilities Regarding Care
· Personal and Family Responsibilities.
· Career and Employment Decisions.
· School-Related Challenges.
· Difficulties in Dating and Marriage.
2. Psychological and Emotional Difficulties
· Depression & feelings of Isolation.
· Guilt and Regret.
· Identity Confusion.
· Anger and Frustration.
· Need for Community Support.
3. Difficulties Stemming from Negative Social Perceptions
· Immature Social Perceptions.
· Discrimination and Ignorance.
4. Lack of Disability-Related Information
· Insufficient Medical Information.
· Lack of Information on Handling Sudden Behavior.
· Lack of Institutional Information.
· Daily Living Information.
· Educational Information.

Design Principles

An information service that helps me find the center of my life and provides support

· We provides an opportunity to share the positive influence and concerns that non-disabled siblings have due to their disabled siblings.

· We provides an opportunity to learn how to deal with situations that non-disabled siblings often experience as disabled siblings.

· We provides an opportunity for non-disabled siblings to learn about their siblings' disabilities.

· We provides non-disabled siblings with an opportunity to meet other non-disabled siblings.

· We provides an opportunity for parents and other professionals to learn about the difficulties and opportunities common to non-disabled siblings and to help them.

Information Architecture

We developed an information architecture for a website dedicated to siblings with disabled siblings. Our primary focus was to prioritize these siblings, fostering a community that offers emotional and practical support through desired information based on design principles.


Webpage Design and Development.

Directly working with web developers, we structured frameworks including user flow, sitemap, and low-fidelity design.

Visit the Website ↗

High-Fidelity Prototypes

Landing page

Detailed pages

Detailed pages
- Business Introduction page

Service Design Book

We designed the homepage service guide book that supports operation and maintenance system. This guide book explains how to operate the website, such as how to change the homepage screen structure, how to manage the board, how to upload the post and etc.

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If you're interested in learning more about my experience, feel free to reach out at
